Monday, September 1, 2014


“Girl, get ready. Remember, you have to steal a few hearts at the kitty party. Run now!” said Sundari. Obeying her instructions she swiftly ran to the nearest pond, jumped in and swam. Sundari saw her dripping wet and said “Fantastic! Let’s go to our neighbourhood and rock the show”. They promptly entered their neighbour’s home. Group of women, flashy and bored, looked at them with astonishment. That’s when they witnessed the most spectacular shake by Sundari’s girl - meticulous effort to sprinkle water all over them which lit that place with laughter and scream. In chorus they said “How Cute!”. Bailey said “Woof!” and thought “I was just drying myself. I am so glad that a petty thing like this can make people happy. Sundari is happy. I am happy!” Laughter continued and so did the woof woof!

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