Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Broken Glass

It was invisible like the wind
Felt its presence only when touched
But it never made my eyes get glued
Till a change brought in the big difference
The glass was broken, not in pieces
It stood there still, unshaken from its home
Every crack on it adding on to its beauty
Every bizarre shape defining a peculiar design
Plain glass's loneliness vanished in a jiffy
For the broken glass had strange companies
Broken glass with united pieces, enlightened me
Importance of life is unseen till a change strikes
When sorrows laugh and challenges smile
Stand like the broken glass, never fall
For life is just taking a different shape
Same life but a different way
For life is sure complicated, a complex maze
Just to make you realize its beautiful in its own way!!

Img - naldzgraphics, Words of - Venus!

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